The Daily News

Daily News is an American tabloid newspaper founded in 1922 by Joseph Patterson. The paper was a major success during the Roaring Twenties and quickly became the nation’s biggest newspaper in circulation. In addition to presenting serious political and economic stories, the paper focused on scandalous and titillating topics, such as the Teapot Dome Scandal and the romance between Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII that led to his abdication. The paper also included large photographs, classified ads, and cartoon strips.

The News was known for its uncompromising coverage of controversial and often lurid news events and for its strong stance on social issues. In particular, it strongly defended the First Amendment, and it supported the right of the people to free speech and the freedom of the press. It was also a staunch supporter of the pacifist movement and the anti-communist struggle.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the paper was still a dominant force in national journalism. Its prestigious editorial writers included such names as John Hersey and Edith Wharton. The paper was particularly acclaimed for its reporting during the height of the Cold War, and Time magazine referred to it as “the brassy, pictorial New York Daily News, which leads all others.”

By the 1990s, however, the newspaper was struggling financially and in 1992, the publisher began seeking buyers. A bidding war broke out between Mort Zuckerman, who owned The Atlantic, and Conrad Black, founder of Hollinger Inc., which published the Chicago Sun-Times and Britain’s Daily Telegraph. In the end, Black’s bid of $70 million was more than double what the newspaper’s management had hoped for.

Eventually, the newspaper’s ten unions agreed to sell the newspaper to Zuckerman for $36 million. The News subsequently fired hundreds of employees, causing an uproar in the city and beyond.

Each Daily News article is accompanied by comprehension and critical thinking questions. These questions are designed to help students examine the details of each story. They also help students understand what is happening in the world around them and how it affects their lives. Each question is answered by a resource such as a map or a video clip to further assist students in understanding the topic. These resources are found in the “Background” and “Resources” sections below the questions.